This function creates a measurement queue for sample acquisition for the software Xcalibur.
All possible combinations of the provided information will be created to make file and
sample names.
date = NULL,
instrument = NULL,
user = NULL,
measurement_type = NULL,
experiment_name = NULL,
digestion = NULL,
treatment_type_1 = NULL,
treatment_type_2 = NULL,
treatment_dose_1 = NULL,
treatment_dose_2 = NULL,
treatment_unit_1 = NULL,
treatment_unit_2 = NULL,
n_replicates = NULL,
number_runs = FALSE,
organism = NULL,
exclude_combinations = NULL,
inj_vol = NA,
data_path = NA,
method_path = NA,
position_row = NA,
position_column = NA,
blank_every_n = NULL,
blank_position = NA,
blank_method_path = NA,
blank_inj_vol = 1,
export = FALSE,
export_to_queue = FALSE,
queue_path = NULL
optional, character value indicating the start date of the measurements.
optional, character value indicating the instrument initials.
optional, character value indicating the user name.
optional, character value indicating the measurement type of the samples (e.g "DIA", "DDA", "library" etc.).
optional, character value indicating the name of the experiment.
optional, character vector indicating the digestion types used in this experiment (e.g "LiP" and/or "tryptic control").
optional, character vector indicating the name of the treatment.
optional, character vector indicating the name of a second treatment that was combined with the first treatment.
optional, numeric vector indicating the doses used for treatment 1. These can be concentrations or times etc.
optional, numeric vector indicating the doses used for treatment 2. These can be concentrations or times etc.
optional, character vector indicating the unit of the doses for treatment 1 (e.g min, mM, etc.).
optional, character vector indicating the unit of the doses for treatment 2 (e.g min, mM, etc.).
optional, a numeric value indicating the number of replicates used per sample.
a logical that specifies if file names should be numbered from 1:n instead of adding experiment information. Default is FALSE.
optional, character value indicating the name of the organism used.
optional, list of lists that contains vectors of treatment types and treatment doses of which combinations should be excluded from the final queue.
a numeric value indicating the volume used for injection in microliter. Will be
if not specified. Then it needs to be manually specified before the queue can be used.
a character value indicating the file path where the MS raw data should be saved.
Backslashes should be escaped by another backslash. Will be NA
if not specified, but
needs to be specified later on then.
a character value indicating the file path of the MS acquisition method.
Backslashes should be escaped by another backslash. Will be NA
if not specified, but
needs to be specified later on then.
a character vector that contains row positions that can be used for the samples (e.g c("A", "B")). If the number of specified rows and columns does not equal the total number of samples, positions will be repeated.
a character vector that contains column positions that can be used for the samples (e.g 8). If the number of specified rows and columns does not equal the total number of samples, positions will be repeated.
optional, numeric value that specifies in which intervals a blank sample should be inserted.
a character value that specifies the plate position of the blank. Will be
if not specified, but needs to be specified later on then.
a character value that specifies the file path of the MS acquisition
method of the blank. Backslashes should be escaped by another backslash. Will be NA
not specified, but needs to be specified later on then.
a numeric value that specifies the injection volume of the blank sample.
Will be NA
if not specified, but needs to be specified later on then.
a logical value that specifies if the queue should be exported from R and saved
as a .csv file. Default is TRUE. Further options for export can be adjusted with the
and queue_path
a logical value that specifies if the resulting queue should be appended
to an already existing queue. If false result will be saved as queue.csv
optional, a character value that specifies the file path to a queue file to
which the generated queue should be appended if export_to_queue = TRUE
. If not specified
queue file can be chosen interactively.
If export_to_queue = FALSE
a file named queue.csv
will be returned that
contains the generated queue. If export_to_queue = TRUE
, the resulting generated queue
will be appended to an already existing queue that needs to be specified either interactively
or through the argument queue_path
date = c("200722"),
instrument = c("EX1"),
user = c("jquast"),
measurement_type = c("DIA"),
experiment_name = c("JPQ031"),
digestion = c("LiP", "tryptic control"),
treatment_type_1 = c("EDTA", "H2O"),
treatment_type_2 = c("Zeba", "unfiltered"),
treatment_dose_1 = c(10, 30, 60),
treatment_unit_1 = c("min"),
n_replicates = 4,
number_runs = FALSE,
organism = c("E. coli"),
exclude_combinations = list(list(
treatment_type_1 = c("H2O"),
treatment_type_2 = c("Zeba", "unfiltered"),
treatment_dose_1 = c(10, 30)
inj_vol = c(2),
data_path = "D:\\2007_Data",
method_path = "C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\DIA_120min",
position_row = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"),
position_column = 8,
blank_every_n = 4,
blank_position = "1-V1",
blank_method_path = "C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\blank"
#> # A tibble: 80 × 21
#> `Sample Type` `File Name` `Sample ID` Path `Instrument Method`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 QC 200722_EX1_jquast_blank_1 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 2 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 3 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 4 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 5 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 6 QC 200722_EX1_jquast_blank_2 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 7 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 8 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 9 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> 10 Unknown 200722_EX1_jquast_DIA_JP… 1 "D:\… "C:\\Xcalibur\\met…
#> # ℹ 70 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: `Process Method` <lgl>, `Calibration File` <lgl>,
#> # Position <chr>, `Inj Vol` <dbl>, Level <lgl>, `Sample Wt` <dbl>,
#> # `Sample Vol` <dbl>, `ISTD Amt` <dbl>, `Dil Factor` <dbl>, `L1 Study` <lgl>,
#> # `L2 Client` <lgl>, `L3 Laboratory` <lgl>, `L4 Company` <lgl>,
#> # `L5 Phone` <lgl>, Comment <lgl>, `Sample Name` <chr>